High-fidelity simulation, Debriefing, Interprofessional collaborationAbstract
Background: In recent years high-fidelity simulation training using patient simulations has taken a large role in nursing education, in terms of interprofession involving collaboration of nurses and doctors.
Objective: Analyzing the effectiveness of using debriefing techniques with high-fidelity simulation to improve interprofessional collaboration competencies in nursing education.
Methods: Literature review from various ProQuest online journal databases, EBSCOhost, then grouped according to the theme and has been analyzed regarding the advantages and disadvantages of high-fidelity simulation
Results: It was found that most studies have deficiencies and rigidity in high-fidelity simulation. However, it can be more effective if it is collaborated with the Debriefing method.
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- 2022-10-10 (2)
- 2020-12-30 (1)
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