Factors Related to The Length of Stay for Health Insurance (BPJS Kesehatan) Patients in Mardi Waluyo Hospital, Metro City
Age, Gender, Treatment Class, Type of Disease, Number of Disease Diagnoses, Length of StayAbstract
Background: Length of hospitalization is indicator accomplishment of patient care in hospital. Long hospitalization causes increased treatment costs, whereas hospitalization that is too short will increase the risk of patient re-admission. The majority of inpatients in Indonesia are Health patients of social insurance administration organization with a payment system based on the ina-cbgs claim package which seeks to shorten patient treatment time to avoid economic losses so that the Length of hospitalization value is still below 6-9 days.
Objective: The research to determine the correlation between sociodemographic factors and length of stay for health patients of social insurance administration organization in Mardi Waluyo Hospital at Metro City.
Method: This observational analysis study was designed to collect data retrospectively using a cross-sectional design. are all Health participants of social insurance administration organization who will be treated at Mardi Waluyo Hospital in Metro City 2022, with a total of 13.903 patients. The sampling technique used total sampling. Data were analyzed used the Chi Square test
Result: The results of the analysis show that there is a significant correlation between (age p= <0.001); (gender p=<0.001); (treatment class p= 0.001), (type of disease p= 0.001); and (number of disease diagnoses p=<0.001) with length of stay.
Conclusion: It is recommended that research sites conduct a more in-depth analysis of factors related to length of hospitalization so that the services provided to patients are more effective and efficient and can increase patient satisfaction.
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