Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases in People of Productive Age (15-64 Years) in Banjarmasin City in the Era of Society 5.0





Era Society 5.0, Productive Age Society, Non-Communicable Diseases


Background: In the current Era of Society 5.0, the use of technology by the majority of society is actually increasing. It is hoped that the use of technological development can provide convenience for users, both in obtaining information, communicating, getting goods easily and even helping with working. It’s just that convenience offered will have a negative impact on society. Among other things, changes in activity patterns and eating patterns of people of productive age. So that the increase in body weight above normal or obesity and the risk of non-communicable diseases increases.

Objective: This research aims to describe physical activity patterns, daily food consumption patterns and body weight status which are considered to contribute to the triggering of non-communicable diseases in people of productive age in Banjarmasin City, South Borneo, Indonesia

Method: This research is quantitative descriptive research. The sample for this research consisted of 274 people spread across 5 areas in Banjarmasin City. The sample for this research was selected using a non-probability sampling technique, namely purposive sampling. This research instrument uses a questionnaire, namely the Baecke Questionnaire for physical activity, anthropometric data collection including height and weight, and the Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) for eating patterns. Data analysis using SPSS version 16 with descriptive analysis.

Result: The findings of this research show that the majority of productive age people's activity patterns in Banjarmasin City are in the low category (97.4%), with poor eating patterns (87.2%) and the majority's weight status in the normal category (51.9%).

Conclusion: The physical activity of people of productive age in Banjarmasin City tends to be in the low category and their eating patterns are in the poor category. This finding can illustrate that the majority of people in Banjarmasin City are at risk of various non-communicable diseases.


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Author Biographies

Oktovin, STIKES Suaka Insan Banjarmasin

The author is one of the education staff at STIKES Asylum Insan Banjarmasin with an educational background in "Nursing". The author's interest in nursing began in 2008. Since graduating from Senior High School (SMA), the author continued his education at STIKES Asylum Insan Banjarmasin, majoring in Bachelor of Nursing. Graduated in 2013, then worked as a nurse at a private hospital in Banjarmasin City. In 2014 he joined STIKES Asylum Insan Banjarmasin as a teacher. In 2018, the author continued his Masters in Nursing at the Muhammadiyah University of Banjarmasin (UMB) with expertise in Medical Surgical Nursing. The author also studied Medical Surgical Nursing with expertise in Cardiovascular Nursing, the sub-field of stroke. The author is also active in Tri Dharma Higher Education activities ranging from education, research and community service. The author's education dharma is involved in teaching Basic Nursing MK, Medical Surgical Nursing and also Emergency Nursing. In the Dharma of Research and Service, the author also focuses more on the problem area of ​​Non-Communicable Diseases, especially those related to stroke, which in its implementation receives internal and external funding (Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology and Partner Universities). The author also has several outputs such as writing books, publishing research results and service in national and international indexed journals.

Ermeisi Er Unja, STIKES Suaka Insan


Anastasia Maratning, STIKES Suaka Insan


Aulia Rachman, STIKES Suaka Insan



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How to Cite

Oktovin, Unja, E. E., Maratning, A., & Rachman, A. (2024). Risk of Non-Communicable Diseases in People of Productive Age (15-64 Years) in Banjarmasin City in the Era of Society 5.0. Journal of Nursing Invention, 5(2), 139–146. https://doi.org/10.33859/jni.v5i2.680