L Legal Status of Land Object Master Rights Related to the Transfer of Rights Process
Status Hukum Hak Menguasai Objek Tanah Terkait Proses Pengalihan Hak
Certificate of Ownership, Physical Control, Transfer of RightsAbstract
Background: A certificate is proof of ownership as intended in Article 19 paragraph 2 letter c UUPA. This article discusses the position of a buyer with good intentions who physically controls a plot of land but does not have legal control over the land because the transfer of rights is incomplete.
Object: Describe based on theory and existing laws and regulations the position of parties who have carried out a sale and purchase, but the transition is not yet complete and have physical control of the property.
Method: This study uses a normative legal form. The typology of this research is descriptive-analytic. The type of data used is secondary data. The research data analysis method uses qualitative data analysis methods.
Result: The Ownership Certificate functions as a means of proving ownership of land rights, even though the rights holder does not have concrete control over the physical object of land rights. Meanwhile, in a sale and purchase where the transfer of rights is not complete, the buyer must be protected in good faith, even if it turns out later that the seller is a person who does not have the rights. The original owner can only file a claim for compensation against the seller who is not entitled.
Conclusion: In efforts to control land administration, it is necessary to increase awareness of land registration in the community and promote continuous socialization in order to reach a sale and purchase agreement.
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