C Criminal Responsibility for Land Mafia Crimes

Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Kejahatan Mafia Tanah


  • Robertus Dicky Armando Program Studi Hukum, Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Nusa Nipa, Maumere, Indonesia




Criminal Liability, Land Mafia Crime, Progressive Law, State Civil Apparatus


Background: Land mafia crimes which sometimes involve State Civil Apparatus (ASN) occur at the central and regional levels. When ASN is involved in land mafia crimes, the form of accountability that is required is not only administrative but must be held criminally accountable.

 Objective: of this research is to find a juridical basis for seeking criminal responsibility for ASN who commit land mafia crimes.

 Method: used is normative research which focuses on the criminal responsibility of ASN in land mafia crimes. This research uses a literary, historical and conceptual approach in this study by looking at the conflict of norms in the use of statutory regulations.

 Results: Criminal liability for State Civil Apparatus (ASN) who commit land mafia crimes is not only emphasized on the element of participation offenses listed in article 55 of the Criminal Code, but criminal liability also refers to office crimes in accordance with the provisions of articles 421 and 424 of the Criminal Code. This is done because it refers to criminal acts committed by ASN that have elements of abuse of authority.

Conclusion: The criminal sanction received by ASN if they are proven to have problems with land mafia crimes is dismissal. This actually does not provide justice and certainty, so progressive law is introduced to look at the value of justice contained in the law and contained in society so that ASN still gets their rights.


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How to Cite

Armando, R. D. (2024). C Criminal Responsibility for Land Mafia Crimes: Pertanggungjawaban Pidana Terhadap Kejahatan Mafia Tanah. Nawala Patra Biksa, 1(1), 13–25. https://doi.org/10.33859/npb.v1i1.532