All manuscript submitted to Nawala Patra Biksa will be initially processed by Editorial Team. The editor will verify the completeness of manuscript according to author guideline and the suitability of the work to the focus and scope. If a good reception is met, the manuscript is sent to peer reviewers. The review processes are carried out using a double-blind review system which means that the author and reviewer does not know each other. For each manuscript, two reviewers will evaluate substantial contents in the manuscript. After comments from reviewers are obtained, the editor will evaluate and decide to further process or reject the manuscript. When a revision is needed, the reviewer comments will be sent to the author. The editor will then make further decision based on amendments of the author. If necessary, a second or further review process can be carried out until a final decision is made.
Nawa Patra Biksa by LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia is licensed under Attribution 4.0 International