E Etnomedicine of Medicinal Plants in the Belangian Village Community, South Kalimantan


  • Laili Shinta Ayu Syahfitri Sari Mulia University
  • Kunti Nastiti Sari Mulia University
  • Darini Kurniawati Sari Mulia University
  • Rohama Rohama Sari Mulia University




Medicinal Plants, Ethnomedicin, Banjar Tribe


Background: The diversity of tribes and cultures in Indonesia makes cultural
differences and traditional knowledge, one of which is in utilizing plants for the
treatment of a disease. One of the widespread tribes on the island of Kalimantan
that is thick with traditional medicine is the Banjar Tribe located in Belangian
Village, South Kalimantan. Ethnomedisin is a treatment by certain ethnicities based
on hereditary traditions in traditional medicine, in this case the use of medicinal
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the ethnomedicine of
medicinal plants used by the Banjar Tribe of Belangian Village, Aranio District,
South Kalimantan Province.
Methods: This research is descriptive using qualitative and quantitative methods.
Quantitative analysis with Fidelity Level (FL) calculations for each type of
medicinal plant.
Result: Based on the results of research from 38 informants, 58 species with 36
families were obtained. There are 50 diseases that can be treated from 58 types of
medicinal plants. The most popular method of processing is boiled 56.89 then drunk
72.41%. The most widely used part of medicinal plants is the leaf part of 41.73%.
Five types of plants with the highest FL values that stated effectiveness for treatment
were Cymbopogon citratus 86.84%, Zingiber officinale 78.94%, Jatropha multifida
L 73.64%, Peronema canescens jack 68.42%, Syzygium polyanthum 65.78%. The
tradition of treatment with medicinal plants by the Banjar Tribe has been passed
down for generations with the value of local wisdom in its use.
Conclusion: There are 58 types of medicinal plants that can be used as medicine
or relief for certain diseases by the people of the Banjar Tribe, Belangian Village.
With the highest FL value of five is found in Cymbopogon citratus plants 86.84%,
Zingiber officinale 78.94%, Jatropha multifida L 73.64%, Peronema canescens
jack 68.42%, Syzygium polyanthum 65.78%.


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How to Cite

Syahfitri, L. S. A., Nastiti, K., Kurniawati, D., & Rohama, R. (2024). E Etnomedicine of Medicinal Plants in the Belangian Village Community, South Kalimantan: . Journal Pharmaceutical Care and Sciences, 4(2), 217–227. https://doi.org/10.33859/jpcs.v4i2.549

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