S Study Of The Effect Of Concentration Of Empty Palm Bunch Cellulose Membranes On Reducing Creatinine Levels
Membrane, FTIR, Cellulose, Creatinine, EBPAbstract
Background: One of the main obstacles in developing dialysis membranes is polymer raw materials which are the main raw materials in membrane fabrication. One way to overcome these obstacles is to develop and utilize natural polymers in the form of empty palm fruit bunch cellulose.
Objective: To see the effect of cellulose concentration in the cellulose membrane of empty oil palm fruit bunches on reducing creatinine levels.
Method: This research uses a true experimental method using Forier Transform Infra Red (FTIR) instruments and UV-Vis spectrophotometry.
Results: The FTIR test of TKKS cellulose showed the presence of C=C groups at wave 1525, -CH groups at wave 2920 and -OH at wave 3423. Creatinine levels 1st cycle of F1 membrane 0,519 mg/dl , 2nd cycle 0,513 mg/dl, 3rd cycle 0,506 mg/dl, 4th cycle 0,5 mg/dl. F2 membrane, 1st cycle 0,495 mg/dl, 2nd cycle 0,445 mg/dl, 3rd cycle 0,354 mg/dl, 4th cycle 0,325 mg/dl. And F3 membrane, 1st cycle 0,277 mg/dl, 2nd cycle 0,212 mg/dl, 3rd cycle 0,194 mg/dl, 4th cycle 0,163 mg/dl. The Kruskal-Wallis test data processing shows a significance value (Asymp. Sig.) of 0.007
Conclusion: there is an influence of cellulose concentration in the membrane on reducing creatinine levels significantly
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