Author Guidelines
Research Article
The research article consists of:
- Title: specific and effective, no more than 20 words.
- Author’s identity: Authors’ full names (without a degree), institutional address, and email as the principal contact. For correspondence purposes, the author’s email is written fully and clearly.
- Abstract: it is written in a paragraph which consists of 250 words maximum. The abstract is written sequentially from the background of the study, the objective of the study, methods, results, and conclusion. The keywords must be included on the same page as the abstract. It consists of 3-5 words which are chosen genuinely so that reflects the concept of the article.
- Introduction: it consists of background, the problem of the study, and objective of the study, also the position of the research towards the other similar research. It also can be a brief literature review. In writing the citations and references, authors are recommended to use reference management software, such as Mendeley® or Zotero.
- Methods: it discusses the research design, data collection, data sources such as the population and sample, and data analysis. It is written with sentences in paragraphs, not in sequences using points.
- Results: it contains the data and information that has been collected. The finding systematically must be supported by charts, tables, figures, or informative illustrations.
- Discussion: it shows a further explanation of the finding. Compare the finding with another research’s finding and do not repeat what has been written in the finding.
- Conclusion: it should clearly state the result of the correlated objective (and may also possible with future direction).
- References: it must be written according to Harvard numbered in accordance with the order of references in the research, and in accordance with the sequence number in the bibliography.
- Clinical research with humans as the subjects must be approved by the research ethics committee.