Acreditation Base on SK NO.177/E/KPT/2024
Author Guide Line
TITLE [Title using Indonesian language, using large letters, maximum 12 words, Cambria size 13, bold, single space, and spacing before after 0]
Author1, Author2, etc [Author without title, Cambria font 11, single spacing, spacing before after 0, bold, and name cannot be abbreviated]
1 Name of Institution (Name of Study Program, Faculty), Name of College/Institution, City, Country
2 Name of Institution (Name of Study Program, Faculty), Name of College/Institution, City, Country
*Corresponding author
Abstract in Indonesian, abstract length 200-250 words. Abstract is written in one paragraph consisting of background, research objectives, concise methods, main results including new facts, main conclusions and the meaning/suggestions of the research results for scientific or practical development. Paragraphs are parts that can stand alone if separated from the content of the whole manuscript, therefore the information included must be able to reflect what is discussed from the whole manuscript. Avoid including information that is not in the manuscript. Contain all keywords that will be indexed. [Writing using cambria 10 font and single spacing]
Results: ......................
Conclusion: ......................
Abstract in English 200-250 words. (Cambria 10). To detect spelling and grammar use "select all" and block all abstract paragraphs "tools" "language" choose "English US" or "UK" "detect spelling and grammar.
The introduction includes a background that covers the existing problems, as well as the urgency of why the research was conducted. The purpose of the research is accompanied by a literature review that is relevant to the existing problems. [Writing using Cambria 11 font, single spacing, and spacing before after 0]
Research methods include research design, research variables, sample size, sampling techniques, location and time of research, research instruments, data analysis, and information on passing ethical testing or ethical review by including the ethical number. [Writing using Cambria 11 font, single space, and spacing before after 0]
This section presents the results of the study which can be equipped with tables, diagrams, as long as they are consistent, if the table is written in all tables, as in the example below. [Writing using Cambria 11 font, single spacing, and spacing before after 0]
Exposure of research results, data processing, interpreting the findings in the research logically and linking to reference sources relevant to the research. [Writing using Cambria 11 font, single spacing, and spacing before after 0]
Contains conclusions and suggestions that contain a brief summary of the research, discussion, limitations, and input for future research. Conclusions are written descriptively and not in the form of points or numbers. [Writing using Cambria 11 font, single spacing, and spacing before after 0]
Every citation cited in the article must be listed in the bibliography, and all written bibliographies must be cited in the article. Citation and bibliography are written using APA (American Psychological Association) writing rules. We suggest to using Reference Management Sofware (Mendeley) All references used in writing in the bibliography are numbered in alphabetical order, if using Mendeley it will be arranged automatically. Only include literature that is used and relevant. Reference sources use primary sources such as research articles in scientific journals, research reports or proceedings, articles in books from research results, historical sites, artifacts, and others that are original works. The ratio of primary sources is 80% compared to other sources from the total bibliography and comes from publications in the last 10 years. Articles published in the Journal of Nursing Practice (JNI) are recommended to be used as references. The number of bibliography is more than 10 sources