Journal Title :SHINE : Study, Enhancement, and Innovation in English Education
ISSN : e-ISSN 0000-0000 (online)
DOI Prefix : Prefix 10.33859/shine by 
Editor in Chief : Nur Rahmadani, M.Pd
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia 

SHINE : Study, Enhancement, and Innovation in English Education is a publication for all those involved in English Language Teaching (ELT), whether as a second, foreign language, or as an international Lingua Franca. The Journal links the everyday concerns of practitioners with insights gained from relevant academic disciplines. The Journal aims to provide a medium for informed discussion of the principles and practice which determine the ways in which English is taught and learnt around the world. It also provides a forum for the exchange of information and ideas among members of the profession worldwide. This Journal is managed by English Education Department, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Sari Mulia and Published by LPPM Universitas Sari Mulia. It is published twice a year in June and December.